Financial Leverage
Debt to Equity (D/E)
Interest Coverage
Current Ratio
Quick ratio
Valuation Ratios
Price to Earnings (P/E)
Price to Sale (P/S)
Price to Book (P/B)
Earning Yield
Dividend Yield
Cash Return
Management Side Effectiveness
Price to Sale (P/S)
Price to Book (P/B)
Earning Yield
Dividend Yield
Cash Return
Management Side Effectiveness
Free Cash Flow (FCF)
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)
Intrinsic value
Practice Explanation based on Figure 1-2 below
Lets see Opto Circuits India Ltd - Stock Research & Analysis (15 Dec 2008)
The Annual report shows the company grown has grown so fast.Lets Analysis step by step
Strong foundation
Stents-the growth engine
Strategic acquisitions
Strong Distribution Network
How sustainable is this growth likely to be in future?
Quality of this growth
Competitive advantage in Core non-invasive business
Sensors: Opto has now emerged as the largest supplier of SpO2 sensors

Acquisition of Criticare Systems to widen product portfolio
Invasive Business – future growth engine
Opto’s stents are of superior quality
DIOR: a revolutionary product –launched Feb 2007
Huge Domestic market potential
Growing Innovation focus - R&D, licenses, trials and Patents protection
Niche Segments -Competitive barriers work to Opto’s favour
There are these 3 levers that can boost Return on Equity (ROE) - net margins, asset turnover, and financial leverage. (Because ROE = Net Margin x Asset Turnover x Financial Leverage).

Cost of goods sold
Gross margin
Selling and operating expenses
Operating margin
Fiscal year 07 shows negative free cash flow. The cash flow was negative because the Operating level and is a cause of concern.
Investors should watch this negative cash flow closely. It could be the is catching early signs of improvement and/or worsening of its business operations.
But Opto Circuits has solid ROEs and ROICs margins so we can analysis that Opto Circuits is still in sound financial health
So, what does these negative cash flows indicates?
It's might be an indication that Opto Circuits is re-investing the cash wisely.
After the financial health check, we should check for a solid foundation.
Financial leverage
Debt to Equity(D/E)
Interest Coverage
Current Ratio
Quick ratio
The next step is to analysis the Risks factors as follows
Risks/Bear Case